Cocaine Bear has been popular with moviegoers since its April announcement. This film is based on the 1985 incident in northern Georgia when a 175-pound black bear ate a duffel bag of cocaine. It had a bear and cocaine, which current moviegoers demand.

However, the film didn’t seem to live up to its moniker. Cocaine Bear is such a terrific movie name that making it might be a letdown. The concept of a cocaine-high bear is more entertaining than reality.

Remember that in 1985, a medical examiner found that the bear died from a brain haemorrhage and kidney, heart, and lung failure. The bear likely died afraid and in pain. If real, the movie would be depressing. Now, the fans may relax. Cocaine Bear’s debut trailer doesn’t shy away from its concept.

Cocaine Bear: 2023's wildest film trailer is everything and more

The bear is clearly on cocaine when it appears. As it smashes a door, it snarls and drools. Moving on its back. It runs swiftly and jumps in front of an ambulance.

The language spends most of its time reassuring viewers that the bear does cocaine. After the bear swallows all the cocaine, a character comments, “The bear, it fucking did cocaine,” then clarifies, “A bear did cocaine.”

“Apex predator, high on cocaine, out of its head,” an elderly character says seconds later. “What the fuck is that bear doing?” someone jokes. “Oh man, you’re in trouble,” another says to the bear.

A child’s line-reading of “fucked” will be remembered forever.

Cocaine Bear looks fun in the trailer. I’d recommend it if you like bears and drugs. This will be a classic if it matches the trailer’s craziness. Don’t rush. Many movie trailers overpromise and reframe the wonderful portions in a way the whole movie could never do.

Cocaine Bear: 2023's wildest film trailer is everything and more

Is this the first trailer for Suicide Squad? Don’t you recall how it made folks think it would be good? That was an outdated, uninteresting superhero movie without drugged bears.

Cocaine Bear: 2023's wildest film trailer is everything and more

Cocaine Bear walks a hazardous tightrope. Moviegoers know what they want. The trailer suggests this movie. Cocaine Bear must now obey.

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