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It’s impossible to leave the house without seeing a billboard or magazine ad that tells you what to buy and how much you should spend on a new wardrobe.

Wear these shoes at formal events and these shoes on hikes. Regarding wardrobe advice, the fashion industry is never lacking, but the direction which you wear sustainable apparel is surprisingly unusual.

Party Details

Decorate Your Venue

The whole point of a costume party is that you are trying to set a certain kind of atmosphere, so choose your decorations wisely.

You could do a bit of research online for the extra features that are going to set the mood. But if you are on a tight budget, you may get a little more creative and take a DIY approach. Numerous YouTube videos are available to assist you in making your party the best decorated in town!


Planning a few activities can help the party when it falls into a bit of a lull, so prepare a few things to occupy your time.

fancy dress barbie

The most obvious and straightforward type of activity is a costume contest, but it is still fun and an excellent idea.

Rather than just having a single award, you could make it like a real contest and have multiple different categories so that more people have a chance of winning.

Halloween outfits

Food and Drinks

What’s a great party without food and drinks? If possible, you should try to make them themed to set even more of a mood.

For example, if you host a 1920s-themed party, you could serve classic cocktails like Manhattans. Since you will all be wearing costumes, it makes sense to avoid foods that are too messy, as these will ruin your outfits very quickly!

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