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Over the past year alternative Scottish punk rock band Start Static‘s band has grown a vast fan base. Formerly formed in 2013 in Glasgow, Scotland, these 4 friends have put their musical talents together and produced some smashing mixes.

Have You Heard Start Static's "Arguments"?!
Band Member
John AllanVocals
Stephen MurrayGuitar/Vocals
Chris KayBass/Vocals
Michael McCrossanDrums/Vocals
Have You Heard Start Static's "Arguments"?!

Start Static has such a great background. Let’s start with the intro of why they chose their band name, “The noise you hear when you put on a record or plug in a guitar. (John)

“You know, that kind of scratchy ‘ccchhhhwwww’ kind of noise – we thought it sounded catchy


Electrifying muses, reserved events, broadcasting coverage, off-stage banter, and behind-the-crowd-bounding lyrics, Start Static are experiencing a pretty awesome run at the moment.

As of last February (2015), their must-hear album “Arguments”, which has already boomed on Soundcloud & YouTube.

Have You Heard Start Static's "Arguments"?!

It has been exceptionally well-received and with their other singles coming out this year its an exciting time! You can check out their album here!

Before you start anything…..(Have you clicked the album and played it? – Right let’s get this interview started!) I was so glad when I managed to grab the bands time to talk about their ‘”Shut Up I’m On It’ Single which was released in mid-February 2016 and is the first new material they have released since releasing the album, also have a new single due out the end of April called ‘Big Ideas’—sitting down with John Allan (Vocals) and guitarist and vocalist Stephen Murray.

Hello, thanks very much for taking the time, I understand how busy you must be with your latest release, why not tell us a little more about how you all got together as a band?

(John) “We had all played in a number of bands, then one day I got the call to bring a couple of beers down and try out some ideas with the guys. To be honest I haven’t looked back. I don’t want to be doing anything else but playing these songs.”

(Stephen) “Yeah, initially the band started out as a hobby and as a way for us all really just to keep up playing music, it’s great fun being in a band and playing music. It’s always been about having fun and hope that still comes through in the songs and performances.”

They always say you need to move and mingle to get the right Pringle, Which bands/personalities do you look up to that inspire and drive you all to get on there as a band?

(Stephen) “There are so, so many. In terms of ‘A List’ I think someone like Bruce Springsteen, who puts so much effort and energy into live performances and playing songs that get the crowd going. ACDC, Muse etc. who all put a lot of effort into the full ‘show’ and make it an experience for the audience.

By the same measure, I saw Jack Garratt last week and was just astounded by how talented and hard-working this one guy was on stage. I’m enjoying the rise of Grumble Bee at the moment as well, it’s good to see someone working hard and making headway!”

(John)” Bowie. I know there is a bandwagon with no space on it anymore, but this past year has really highlighted what an incredible human he was. What a legacy. I don’t think there will be many who get anywhere close to that kind of admiration.” (Stephen) –“ …what he said actually – his is better ha-ha!”

Have You Heard Start Static's "Arguments"?!

Some pretty awesome inspirations, you can totally get that with your songs, a hint of all areas of creativity included. What exciting events have you coming up this year to keep your fans posted?(Stephen) “We have loads planned for the rest of the year…”

(John) “We’re releasing a number of singles throughout the year, which will lead up to our next album. We’ve been working with some really talented producers – and things are sounding great! I find it quite frustrating as you just want to get new music out and have everyone hear it.”

(Stephen) “We will be touring and gigging to support each release and there will also be a new video for each single. Videos are something we put a lot of emphasis on and spend a lot of time to try and make something fun and engaging. “

“We have a single launch with an instore performance for a small audience at NHC Glasgow. We will follow this up with an official launch party in Glasgow on 6th May at The Hug & Pint and have some pretty exciting announcements about the bands who will be involved on that night!

As well as that we have some live sessions for radios including Caste FM, Sunny Govan and a few other stations and an acoustic set at a festival in the Grassmarket in Edinburgh on 28th May. “

“We are also planning our first trip/trips to London over the summer as well and are in advanced talks with a few good venues about hosting club nights as a launch party for some of the material which is really cool! We are also hoping to confirm some festivals over the next few weeks as well!”

Wow you are really swamped! Such an exciting road ahead! Apart from being in a band are there any other fun hobbies you do in your spare time?

(John) “If I’m not gigging or rehearsing then I like going to see gigs. There are so many good bands playing all the time at the moment, and that is really exciting. Chris and Michael are both right into their photography, but I don’t have anything quite so productive on my plate… Although I am going to see Punk Rock Holiday in Slovenia – NOFX are playing. That’s better than taking pictures…”

(Stephen)” Going to see gigs as well, most recently I’ve been going to gigs of a lot of bands we’ve played with, when they come to Glasgow. It’s been really fun and interesting to see other people in the venues. We play along with new and different bands. It’s also hard to expect people to make an effort to come and see us if we don’t actively support the local music scene as well. Other than that it’s really just a lot of going out for dinner and/or to the pub with friends and family!”

Awesome! You can tell your are in the right direction of your bands’ career! As well as catching up with mates with a pint you cant go wrong! What is the meaning behind “Shut Up I’m on it?” Any sneaky hidden message?(John)” I’ve heard a few different interpretations to the words. Be that “Stop bringing me down, I’m having a good time”, “Stop having a go, I know I’m doing what I shouldn’t”, “Don’t worry – I got this”. I don’t really want to say which is what was intentional – but I will say it’s not the “I got this… “ That would be embarrassing… ha-ha!”

Ha-ha, I do love your lyrics, really brings out a story and lets the mind wonder, wanting fans to have more! Is there a song, which means a lot to you all and never gets old playing?

(John) “I have spent most of my life reading band interviews and cringing when people say “I can’t choose, they are all like my babies”… and now you know what I am going to say don’t you? Ha-ha – The next single is called ‘Big Ideas’, and I think there is something about it, which I find quite hypnotic. Some of the lyrics deal with quite a lot, so I would say that is quite personal.”

(Stephen)” I’d probably say Reckless – I do enjoy all of the songs and Big Ideas is great – John and I were actually talking about that in the pub last week and how much we love it when the first chorus kicks in! That being said we’ve been opening with Reckless recently and it’s a great way to start a set and see everyone singing back. “

Have You Heard Start Static's "Arguments"?!

I can totally see that, that feeling of the fans singing your lyrics and getting involved with something you have all created! Beautiful!Now for a slightly random one, if you were forming a super group with other current musicians, who would be in it and why? What would they be called?

(John) “Stephen Murray, Chris Kay, and Michael McCrossan.I would have said Tom DeLonge if he hadn’t turned into a complete diva. Ha-ha, so in that case I will say that I’d like to join Travis Barker, Eddie Vedder, and Flea. Eddie Vedder is there just to sing me to sleep though. I need a guitarist, so I will go with Sinister Gates or something… he knows how to party.”

(Stephen)” Ooohhh, good question! I’d definitely have Paul McCartney on bass and vocals/backing vocals, his bass playing is unbelievable – I said the Beatles were underrated one day and just about floored John but I genuinely think Paul McCartney’s bass playing is really underrated or certainly under recognized, especially outwith musicians.

Dave Grohl on drums (just because…Dave Grohl on drums). I’d have Slash on guitar every day of the week and Jack Garratt on vocals.”

Now that WOULD be a Supergroup! From you is rock, to alternative, calm and acoustic. What about your backgrounds, did you always know this is the industry you were born to be in?

(John) “I remember thinking on a smoke break from an old job that I “Just had to make it”. Making it for me is just being able to make a living doing what I love. That would not feel like working. Don’t get me wrong – I don’t have rose-tinted specs on either. It’s not always as much fun as it might seem. The floor of a van can be a very lonely place ha-ha!”

(Stephen)” I am pretty much exactly the same as John. It can be hard sometimes as we all have full-time jobs and stuff going on but we’ve got great families and friends who are very supportive and tolerate us canceling plans for gigs etc at the drop of a hat.

As I mentioned earlier, this band started as a hobby with good friends and kind of took on a momentum of its own accord so we just keep going, it keeps going and we keep having fun on the way. It’s magic!”

Have You Heard Start Static's "Arguments"?!

Very true, family and friends are always super supportive, like most massive musicians today, they were built on just that! Love the video to “Shut Up I is On It” What was the inspiration to those features of the video?

(John)” To be honest I think it is us doing what we do best: Just having a good time. We spent a lot of time thinking about what would be the right thing for the song, and then at some point I remember thinking – this should just be bright and lively. I think the video has captured the energy of the song. I am happy with the product. I mentioned Mike and Chris being right into their Photography, and that extends into videography too. We’ve directed just about all of our own stuff until now.”

Ahh very nice, getting all other talents and hidden hobbies involved! Last but not least any other fun band insights you would like to let your fans know?

(John) “One time Stephen said that he “Turned it up to 11” Without a hint of irony…Now he is called TapOh… and I have been known to sleepwalk…”

Have You Heard Start Static's "Arguments"?!

(Stephen) “Oh man, so many stories from our times together – sleepwalking isn’t the funny part, it’s the funny locations such as Hotel Receptions that he wakes up in which make it hilarious!In terms of fun insights, we tend to wear our heart on our sleeves. If you watch any of the videos and listen to the music you get a pretty good idea of what we’re about.

Wherever possible we stay overnight after gigs and try to have a big night out with anyone who has been kind enough to watch the gig or buy some merchandise – in short we’re not that difficult to get to know!

The video for ‘In The Loop’ gives you a fairly decent 3.5-minute overview of what it’s like to be part of the band. If you want the full experience, then down five shots of tequila as the video plays on, and you’ll get the full effect by the end of the video!”

Hahaha! Sounds like you have an awesome time together! Not just as a band but as buds!Super excited to see what you have in store as well as your next upcoming events! I’m off to listen to “Pretty Little Bubble” as it’s stuck in my head and LOVE IT!

As well as the new single due out at the end of April called ‘Big Ideas’. Get these dates in your phones and get listening! There is big entertainment and creativity here! Get in now!

Have You Heard Start Static's "Arguments"?!

Also, check out their social pages with the links here. They post epic feeds and are fast at keeping up and informed with fans!

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