We all want the best for our dogs. They’re our faithful friends and companions. They’re entirely dependent on us for absolutely everything they need. While dogs require a significant amount of love and care, the needs of an average puppy are relatively simple to meet. Here are a few things you can do to keep your pup as happy and healthy as possible!

One thing to focus on is ensuring your dog is walked enough. Pretty much every dog needs a daily walk of some sort or another. The distance you need to walk your dog will depend on their breed and personal needs. You can generally find out with a simple online search, but check with your vet if in doubt. They’ll be able to give you a recommendation.

When walking your pup, make sure to keep them on a lead at all times. Invest in a harness rather than clipping the information straight into their collar—it’s much safer, and your dog is much less likely to slip out.
Different dogs will require different levels of grooming. Some pooches barely require any grooming at all. They shed their fur so it stays short and well maintained of its own accord. These dogs generally only need grooming if they get muddy or roll in something they shouldn’t. Some dogs, however, require regular professional grooming.

These usually include curly-haired breeds like Bichon Frises, Poodles, Lhasa Apsos, and more. These breeds don’t shed their fur; they need it cut, combed out, and dried. Consider scents like baby powder dog spray if you want an extra touch.
Treats, Toys, and Games
There are many different treats, toys, and games for dogs. What one dog likes will differ from what another dog likes. Some will like chicken-flavoured treats; some will like beef. Some will like bones explicitly created for dogs; others like soft chews. Some dogs will like balls.

Some will like teddies. Some will like tug ropes and chew toys. Determining your pet’s preferences will undoubtedly require some trial and error.
Remember that time is one of the most important things you can give pets. Some breeds are more independent and can get by happily without fuss. But some species are highly needy and dependent and don’t like to be left alone or ignored for even short amounts of time.

This is why it is critical to research breeds before purchasing a dog and select one that will allow you to meet all of their needs and preferences. Regardless, the more time you spend with your dog, the happier they’ll generally be!
These are just a few steps to ensure your dog is always happy and well. They’re simple to implement and absolute basics if you’re going to have a pet!