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Reintroducing pets to nature may be harmful. Pets who spend more time outside in warm weather are more prone to acquire heat stroke or other ailments, according to medical claims. Pets don’t need leashes in nice weather.

Pet owners must be cautious. “Summer pets get more attention because they’re outside more. Warm weather brings pests, higher temperatures, and pools, lakes, and oceans for pets “Veterinary Pet Insurance Co. director of veterinarian education and services Dr. Carol McConnell explains (VPI).

What if our pets had powers we didn't even know we had?

“Sunburn and heatstroke can happen when the weather is hot. Exposure to swimming pools can give pets ear infections or, in the worst case, cause them to fall in by accident and drown.”

In the summer, Dr. McConnell’s company’s veterinary claims rise. Her employer paid out 12 claims in February 2005 for pets who stepped on glass.

How to Keep Active Pets Healthy in the Summer

June had 76 claims, July 87. Surgery for dogs costs $574 and cats $337. Dr. McConnell recommends monitoring and insuring your pet to lower these expenditures.

She advises purchasing pet health insurance year-round. Her company’s insurance covers many accidents, illnesses, and injuries that create medical issues and costly procedures for dogs, cats, birds, and exotic pets. Routine and immunisation coverage is available.

Dr. McConnell says the following about some of the most common ways pets get hurt in warm weather:

During dry, warm months, foxtails, a type of grass with sharp points, are common. The sharp edges often get stuck in pets’ paws, ears, eyes, or noses. As a foreign body that gets into the body, the foxtail will always cause an infection.


Bugs and spiders of various sizes emerge in the summer. Water attracts mosquitoes. Dr. McConnell recommends draining even the shallowest puddles of water in your yard, like the kid’s pool, to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs.

How to Keep Active Pets Healthy in the Summer

Owners of pets should also stay away from bees, wasps, and spider-infested woodpiles. Dr. McConnell recommends keeping pets indoors during the hottest parts of the day (usually 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Don’t leave pets in cars.


Dr McConnell says that hot sidewalks can be very painful for pets, which could be why there are more claims for burns. Sunburns are more common in the summer, especially on parts of the body that don’t have fur or dark skin to protect them.

How to Keep Active Pets Healthy in the Summer

Dogs often get ear infections when water gets stuck in their ears after swimming or bathing. If your pet likes to play in the water, talk to your vet about specific ear-cleaning products that will help dry the ear canal after being in the water. This will help keep ear infections from coming back.

Near Drownings

Near drownings don’t happen very often, but there are more in the summer when it’s hot. If this happens, ensure the pet stays warm and gets completely dry with towels. Then it would help if you took the pet to the vet immediately.

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