Choosing a breed of dog can be difficult at the best of times. You need to think about their temperament, energy levels, diet, and space requirements. If you want some help, the tips below should get you started.

If you have a small house or a flat, then this is not the ideal location for a Great Dane. Even the calmest of breeds still need space to roam too, so make sure that your home is nice and open and that your furniture is not too cramped.
When choosing your dog, you must also consider the noise they make. A very vocal breed may disturb the neighbours, so if this is going to be an issue, then consider that too.

Another thing that you need to think about is the dynamics of your family. Think about it. Are you planning on having a baby soon? If so, you must consider the general expense of having a dog. There are vet bills, flea treatments, food, and even toys.
If you already have young children, you need a dog that is responsive to your command. Labradors are brilliant for that, and so are Boxers.
If you want to save money on dog food, check out these best dog food brands. That way, you can easily give your dog the nutrition they need without breaking the bank.
Although all dogs shed, some dogs can shed considerably more than others, so this is definitely something to consider. Breeds such as a Husky can shed year-round while also having seasonal shedding spikes when they blow their undercoat.
On the flip side of this, something like a Poodle will still shed year-round but at a lower rate, and their coat can often catch their shed, preventing it from falling all over your home. If you have allergies to dog fur then this is something to consider.
You can check out this article on home remedies to stop dog shedding if you have allergies and have a heavy-shedder dog.
The characteristics of a breed can be very revealing, so it is important that you do your homework. To begin, consider your breed’s origins and the climate it is accustomed to. Working dogs, such as border collies, love to have their own space.
Dalmatians, on the other hand, thrive in a lively household. Some breeds also tend to be more friendly than others as well, but that being said, every dog is unique in its way.
All dogs need to have some degree of exercise. A stressed, bored, or even frustrated dog can easily become destructive. Working breeds tend to need a lot of exercise too, and this can include German Shepherds or Labradors.
Some dogs need less exercise, such as toy breeds. That being said, they still need a walk every day.
Some breeds are far more responsive to training when compared to others. Poodles tend to labradors learn very quickly, and they are compliant too.
Many people believe that bigger breeds need much more training when compared to others, but this is not the case at all. However, when your dog becomes an adult, it can be very hard to change bad habits.

If your aggressive puppy is ruling you and you don’t stop this now, things won’t change in the future. Consistent training is key here, along with plenty of treats. This will help them to stay focused and it will also reward them for their good behavior.