A new season means that it’s time to clean out your wardrobe and embrace a new, lighter, and much brighter style.

While spring isn’t here yet, there is always time to prepare and dream about the warmer weather and longer days just a few months ahead.

3 Simple Tips For Changing Your Wardrobe

Being on the right side of winter does make it a bit easier to stay positive and finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. If you’re tired of the gloom outside and ready to embrace floral tops and sundresses, you’ve come to the right place.

Here is a handful of the best ways to clean your wardrobe and find a new and better style for the coming months.

It just makes it a bit easier to dream about the days when you can jump out of bed in the morning, slide into a simple dress, and let the sun give you a fresh and healthy tan again.

#1 Creating three piles

If you have a wardrobe that is filled to the brim and you simply don’t know where to start, there is an easy tactic to help you out; create a pile of what you’d like to keep, what you can give away, and what’s worn enough to get terminated.

The last pile is, of course, the end of the road for that garment – but you can always come back and reconsider everything you’ve put in the pile to ‘give away.’

3 Simple Tips For Changing Your Wardrobe

You might want to bring these clothes to a second-hand party with your friends, for example, and swap it for something that’s new to you or just give it to charity straight away. No matter how you go about with it, having this pile in addition to the ‘throw away’ one gives you a sense of having a few more options.

At the end of everything, you should be left with a nice pile of clothes that they would have to fight you before you give it up.

Try to keep your basic garments, though, as you’ll have nothing to pair the most extravagant with if you throw them out.

#2 Reading up on the latest fashion

Sure, you like everyone else might pride yourself on having your own style and not following the masses – but the truth is, of course, that you’re just as much of a fashion slave as your neighbour.

Unless everything you buy is second-hand and made a couple of decades ago, it’s going to be impossible to steer clear of the latest fashion and you might as well embrace it instead of trying to avoid it.

3 Simple Tips For Changing Your Wardrobe

Staying up to date on everything new means that you get a better insight into what you like as well, though, and the shopping will be over with a lot quicker. Check out these Petal and Pup playsuits and jumpsuits, for example, to get started right away.

#3 Pick your accessories

Finally, a new season becomes a lot more fun when you have the right accessories to pair with it.

While you probably have a few favourite pieces already, you might want to try something new this year and see how you get along; bucket hats, for example, are perfectly appropriate for this year as well as the roaring 20s. Hurry up and make a statement with them before all the fedora-wearing men swap out their headwear for one.

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