“Which of my photographs is my favourite?” The one I’m going to take tomorrow.

Imogen Cunningham,
Photographer Wojtek Kutyla. By Blazej Marczak - http://bmarczak.com/

I met this inspiring and creative photographer 5 years ago, back in 2008, while visiting Edinburgh. This unique photographer approached my sister and me and asked if he could take a photograph of us with our unique matching hair bows against Edinburgh’s dark and gloomy skyline of vintage buildings.

I recently managed to get in contact with Wojtek, who is now living in Edinburgh as well. I have grown to notice the experience, alternative and colour flashing, page-stopping images, from different black and white styles to unique fashion shoots.

I was so excited to get the chance to meet this inspirational and passionate photographer again with his outlook and insight into life living in the heart of the capturing city of Edinburgh.

“I’d be a writer or a cartoonist. I am just not patient enough for that. Taking photos is quicker and doesn’t require a grammar check. I could also be a barista, since I love coffee, and it’s so hard to get a decent coffee.”When asked if he wasn’t a photographer, what would he be?

Next Door, a Distant Land - By Wojtek Kutyla

This photographer, having built up his remarkable and amazing profile and portfolio, is a driven individual, demonstrating true passion! A lot of the time, patience and practice go into photography but it’s a lot more than clicking a button, which is what I found out and from where Wojtek got his inspiration.

Friends. Music. Situations. Beauty. Body. Sexuality. My current mood. If you ask about particular photographers, there’s many, so no point discussing that—but I can say it’s mostly old masters with an exception of a few modern new documentary photographers. The world of Flickr doesn’t appeal to me any more so I don’t have any popular heroes.”

I have gathered a few juicy insights into the life of this photographer. Questions that really bring him out and show his true ambition! I shall let Mr. Kutyla tell you his story in a picture…

What made you want to get into photography?“My dad photographed my sister and me when we were kids. I always liked this; returning to photos from holidays was magical. Then one day I was given a camera by one of my schoolteachers who started an after-hours photography class.

I went to the garden nearby and started photographing flowers, fences, and rocks—anything that I could see. When we developed these photographs, it felt like magic. It got me hooked. There weren’t many other young people I knew interested in photography; cameras were scarce, and film was expensive. But then the free market opened in Poland in the early 90’s and stuff started coming, and by the time I got into it in my last years of high school, it was getting affordable. So I took a deep dive and started photographing even more. Most people, friends, girls… family.

I moved out to Warsaw and got bored of university quickly; therefore, I decided to start my career in photography and went to the photography school, which was also crap, but it also taught me a bit about working in the studio and also gave me an excuse to photograph people.

This was around twelve years ago, maybe a bit more than that. Since then, the camera is always with me.”

Have you a certain style? What is it? You tell me… I used to photograph in black and white a lot and I still love it. But I also like colour. I am interested in portraiture, still life, documentary, and nude art—anything that captures my interest. I am trying not to limit myself too much.

If I see something or have a particular vision for it, I might photograph it. I think the only thing my photographs have in common is a sense of irony or even sarcasm shining through them. And people—there’s always something about people, even if there are no humans in the actual photograph. The rest just comes; sometimes it’s a portrait, and sometimes it’s a close-up of a thing that I noticed. I don’t know if I can say that I have a style of photography, but I have a style of seeing.”

Next Door, a Distant Land - By Wojtek Kutyla
Edinburgh International Fashion Festival by Wojtek Kutyla

What shoots do you enjoy doing?“I enjoy working with like-minded people. Regardless of what the subject is. I can have fun shooting fashion for a designer friend, and I can enjoy a walk in the woods with somebody that I love, taking some portraits or even photographing a white dog in the snow. It doesn’t matter. Photography is about human connection, and if I can make it, it’s enjoyable. Nothing works if there is no energy in it.”

Have you worked with any exciting people?“Yes, I’ve worked with a number of musicians and friends who are into fashion. Photography allowed me to meet some people I would never meet otherwise: artists, entrepreneurs, models, and musicians. But the best exchange of energies always happens with friends, and that’s most exciting. It doesn’t matter who they are.”

What might be your next big project?“I am currently working on a number of things; one is to do with meditation and the state of mind that balances between calmness and agitation. I am also planning a collaboration with a creative designer that I am fond of, who also worked for me as a model on a number of occasions. This might turn into a photographic work but we are not certain yet—perhaps it’ll be writing or something else? The idea of a book with drawings and poems also came to my mind some time ago.”

Any inspirational words for people wanting to get into your industry of work?“Do what you like and don’t let the industry tell you what you should be doing unless it’s commercial work that you want to pursue. Work only as little as you have to survive and finance your hobbies and turn your efforts into creativity.”

Next Door, a Distant Land - By Wojtek Kutyla
Edinburgh International Fashion Festival by Wojtek Kutyla

What does it take to be a good photographer?“I don’t know. If it’s commercial photography, then it’s business-making skills. If one does it because they love it, this question is irrelevant as long as the empathy shines through.”

There you have it from an alternative and creative photographer, inspiring, showing the frozen movements, which grabs your eye! Get in contact and check out some more of his whirlwind creations!

Next Door, a Distant Land - By Wojtek Kutyla
Hoi An, Vietnam, 2013 – By Wojtek Kutyla

Finishing off this interview, the paragraph that really caught my attention when asked what the most important thing to remember when getting a good image is. “To observe, to see, to feel. To stop thinking about the image and to start thinking about the thing or people that stand in front of the lens. To fall in love with them, or to hate them, but to feel something.”

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