Going on vacation when you commit to a dog can be challenging. Animals don’t do very well when left alone, destroying your home in the pursuit of food. This leaves you with a few options: leaving the dog with someone else or taking it with you.

Focusing on the latter, this post will show you how to turn your puppy into a true globetrotter, handling all of the minor elements that can turn this journey into a big job.

AeroPooch: How To Take A Dog Abroad

Prepare The Documents

The first part of this process involves getting some paperwork together. Like you, your dog will need a passport to travel the world correctly, though this only serves as proof of identity. Along with this, you may also need to get permission to take your animal to certain countries.

If you can’t live without your pooch for medical reasons, getting yourself dog letters to show that they have a job should be friendly and easy. Of course, you must be careful in places that may not accept the idea of a guide dog.

AeroPooch: How To Take A Dog Abroad

Get Some Vaccinations

Some of the documents you have to prepare will be for simple administration. For others, the importance of vaccinations cannot be overstated, as they are crucial for an animal that has never travelled before.

You will be expected to produce proof that your pet has gone through this at both ends of the journey. This makes it worth going with the best organisation you can to carry out the jobs, making it easier to garner trust.

AeroPooch: How To Take A Dog Abroad

Choose The Right Flight

Taking a dog on a plane can be troubling experience for them. In the past, most airlines would store this sort of animal in the hold on the plane, exposing them to much chillier temperatures than you find in the main cabins. Some don’t take this route, allowing owners to keep their dogs with them for the whole flight. Of course, you may have to do research to find examples like this.

Pet-Friendly Accommodation

It makes sense that some hotels won’t like having dogs in their rooms, making it hard to find somewhere to stay on your trip.

To solve this nicely and quickly, using a privately hired villa could be the best option for you, giving you the chance to talk to the owner about your pet. Services like Airbnb have made this incredibly easy over the last few years, giving you many tools to find places to stay with your pets.

With this in mind, you should have a good idea of what can be done when looking for ways to take your dog on vacation with you.

While it will take some work, this can be much fairer than expecting them to stay in kennels or with someone else, and the dog will undoubtedly let this be known.

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