Summertime is great for grilling a barbecue. Not only are the temperatures perfect for outdoor activities, but the kids are out of school and families are flying for their summer vacations.

In America today, a family is unheard of going a full summer without getting or attending a barbeque cookout. Today, at least once a year, over 90% of families enjoy a barbeque. Summer is the best time for a barbeque session. When barbequing, it’s important to note certain items to ensure your party goes flawless.
Do’s and Don’ts of grilling
Start with a perfectly clean grill. The excellent fish you cooked last week was great, but unless you want a taste of fish with your hot dogs, you need to clean your grill before cooking. It’s suggested that you grill every time you use it. Allow until it cools down, then disinfect the baking soda surfaces and grease-fighting soap and water shelves.

Until cooking, spray your cooking area with a non-stick cooking mist. It stops the meat from sticking while turning or removing it. If your meat sticks and sheds, you’ll lose a lot of juice, and your meat can dry out.
Never grill food until the temperature is right. Temperature variations can dry or burn your food. If using a charcoal grill, make sure the coals are fully grey before grilling the meat. This will allow temperatures to level out, burning off most of the lighter fluid.

Marinating before cooking will add spice, coating your meat in barbecue sauces before cooking will dry out your meat and could even cause it to burn. This is because most barbecue sauces contain high amounts of fat and sugar, which burn easily.
Alternatively, seasoning the meat gently will work well, with no adverse effects. If you have to use barbeque sauce, just add it in the final minutes before grilling your meat. Also note the meat has a natural flavour only brought out by barbecue, so you don’t want to spoil it.

Searing meat can lock in the juices and flavour, but you don’t want to always cook your meat at that temperature. Having sewn both sides, reduce heat to mild. This will ensure your meat is flavorful and tender.
When the meat is cooked, never place it back on the same plate when it was raw. It might spread many undesirable diseases. Don’t treat cooked meat with the same raw utensils you used.

Never poke meat while cooking. Poking holes in meat can cause the juice to spill out into the grill’s rim. This would probably make your food dry and unattractive, but it could also ruin your barbecue grill. At the very least, it will cause a buildup of unwanted grease and juices on your grill, which will make cleanup harder.