With the Christmas party season just a few short months away, now seems like a good time to consider the enemy of partygoers everywhere: the hangover. Hangovers are incredibly common, though always unwelcome; nothing spoils the fun memories of a great night like a screaming headache and all-body fatigue the next day.

Hangover Food & Beverage Options

What you eat and drink when you’re hungover significantly affects how quickly your body can heal. To ensure you can enjoy the party season with minimal stress, weโ€™ve put together a few suggestions to help get you back to your usual self in the shortest possible time frame.


Hangover Food & Beverage Options

โ€œThe hair of the dogโ€ The concept of โ€œthe hair of the”dog”โ€”drinking alcohol to recover from a hangoverโ€”is difficult to judge; some people swear by it, while others say that itโ€™s not something they have found beneficial. However, itโ€™s fair to conclude that if a concept has survived for as long as this one has, thereโ€™s probably something in it for most people.

There are plenty of delicious cocktail recipes that may well help to perk you up.


Hangover Food & Beverage Options

By far, the most essential beverage for hangover management is water. Some people believe that dehydration and the toxins in alcohol are equally to blame for hangovers.

If you want to get back to normal as soon as possible, you need to replace the fluids you lost. If youโ€™re not a big fan of the taste of water, adding a few fruits is well worth considering, both for the flavour and the potential vitamin boost.

However, there is a point of caution to note when it comes to drinking water in order to ease a hangover: somewhat surprisingly, it is possible to drink too much water, so donโ€™t down a couple of pints at once; take small sips consistently throughout the day.


Hangover Food & Beverage Options


Eggs are an excellent choice for that “morning after” feeling because they have many nutrients that can help with the problems caused by drinking too much alcohol.

a plate of pancakes with whipped cream and chocolate syrup

For example, cysteine is known to help the body break down acetaldehyde, which is thought to contribute to the feeling of having a hangover. Regarding preparing the eggs, itโ€™s generally thought that scrambled is the best choice if youโ€™re feeling delicate, so it might be worth giving this a try.


Hangover Hangover Food & Beverage Options
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The millennial favourite is also an excellent choice if you want to recover your strength after a heavy night. Avocados are particularly beneficial due to their high proportion of healthy fats and an abundance of potassium. You could eat your avocado raw or make the new classic avocado toast to help give you a boost when needed.

Hangover Food & Beverage Options

In conclusion

We hope the above options help keep your hangovers at bay throughout the forthcoming Christmas party season. Enjoy!

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