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It’s hard to find a job in today’s world. You need experience or connections, but what do you do if you don’t have either?

Well, my friend, here are a few tips to make your CV stand out and get you the job you want by giving the reader something different and good to remember. First, let’s take care of the paperwork.

Steps to Nailing that Perfect Dream Job

Back to Basics

Let’s start from the beginning. When writing a CV, you must ensure it has all the basics, like your name and contact information, education and qualifications, work history, and relevant experience.

Somewhere in the job description, references should be mentioned, whether the details of the connections are included or not. All of this is boring, but it’s essential information.

Steps to Nailing that Perfect Dream Job

Presentation and Length

Keep it to one page if possible, or two (including front and back) if need be. Employers aren’t interested in reading about your life history.

Remember, they receive thousands of applications, most of which get skimmed over the heading or get introduced to the shredder… Talking about enjoying horse riding and your favorite animal and how it won a trophy is not what they are after.

Ensure you use a good clean font and not massive-sized text. These people aren’t children. They can read normal size. If it doesn’t make you look awesome, don’t include it. Simple!

Give your CV a unique boost

If you go the extra mile, your CV will stand out. -Give back to your community by volunteering once a day. – Find a cause related to your field to make it more critical.

You can do many different things today, like work at a charity store, help at a farmers market, or participate in a science fair.

Steps to Nailing that Perfect Dream Job

No matter what field you want to enter, employers like to see that you are willing to try new things. You like to learn a lot and the willingness to get your hands dirty!

Brush up on your Excel and PowerPoint skills

To show that you understand spreadsheets and how to produce a killer presentation. Today, everything is online and presented on power points.

Or Prezzi, many companies like to see you have this knowledge in all areas. If you don’t know the software, start researching and messing around.

Steps to Nailing that Perfect Dream Job!

What you’re social media

Today, it seems like everyone’s life is online. Sometimes, you don’t even want your grandmother to see some of those crazy drunken parties or you in your tiny swimsuit. Companies can now find out a lot about you by looking you up online.

turned on gold iphone 6

Make sure what you have is reasonable, or find a way to change your name, start a blog, event, or something else that will bring your name on the web to a positive career turn.

Instead of drinking tequila shots and making out with a coworker, you should… That’s not what they want!

Research stands out: research everything.

The founders, the company, the person or people interviewing you, and the industry. They like having people there that they can relate to, someone who’s so passionate that they stand out as they know what the company’s last 4 awards were and who they were given to!


I can’t say this enough. People will notice if you misspell something or use grammar in the wrong place. Don’t you remember when you didn’t listen to English class? Yes, you feel bad about that now.

Steps to Nailing that Perfect Dream Job

Grammar helps a lot! It’s essential to make sure that everything is checked. Could you send it to your classmates or friends? Someone will read it for you and tell you what to do.

Are you so nervous and unsure of what to do now that you’ve been invited to that cool interview?

Steps to Nailing that Perfect Dream Job!

Dress to impress for that test

No skimpy night out. Many fail here. Dressing one notch over work attire might help. That’s the job you’re interviewing for.

At clocking off time, men and women will wear suits. Dress as though you had the job. Go gaga, applying for Lady Gaga’s job. Working for a broker firm, dress well and avoid crumpled tops. Overdressing is preferable.

You are selling yourself short.

Showing up 20 minutes early gives you plenty of time to get together, make sure you have your paperwork, don’t smell cigarette smoke, and run makeup from the wind and rain.

It’s always best to be punctual. No one has time for “sorry I missed my bus.” They want to hire people on time! Ready to look at and take the business to that new level you are applying for?

Steps to Nailing that Perfect Dream Job!

Get familiar with the location.

Before heading, it’s good to research where and what kind of location it is. Upon entering, don’t be afraid to say good morning and afternoon to people in the lobby.

On approach, stand up, smile, and give a handshake

Mention your name. (Yes, it might seem like I’m going into too much detail, but you have no idea how many people mess this up.)

Yes, you heard right, they got this far, then they stumble, papers go on the floor, they accidentally lean in for a kiss, and it all goes wrong! Learn your posture and manners!

Interview Your Interviewer

This might sound bizarre, but you must show them that you are interested in how they got to their place and make small talk.

Steps to Nailing that Perfect Dream Job
Dream job directional arrow sign note pinned on bulletin board in office interior

It doesn’t all have to be high and mighty at the end of the day. This is the job and the people you want to work with. Act like a normal human being. They aren’t going to hire you. Asking questions shows you’re interested.

Exude Confidence and Congeniality.

Confidence is the ultimate companion of success, and congeniality is a surefire way to leave a lasting impression.

Employers want to hire people who can positively influence others, are confident in their skills and abilities, and are generally pleasant to be around.

Steps to Nailing that Perfect Dream Job

There you go! You’ve done a great job; you’ve shown a different person and point of view and left a mark of your talent.

No matter what happens, you haven’t left empty-handed; you have left with confidence, additional research and knowledge, connections, and complimentary coffee and biscuits!

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