There are always billboards and advertisements for fashion magazines telling you exactly what to wear and how much money you should spend on it. Carry THIS bag for your daily commute and THIS bag for your evening activities.
Wear these shoes at formal events and on hikes. When it comes to wardrobe advice, the fashion industry is never lacking, but the advice that you wear sustainable apparel is surprisingly unusual.

Every time you spend money on the fashion industry, you allow industry buffs to tell you what to wear. Choosing to be more sustainable in your clothing choices can have a significant impact on how you look as well as the industry that you can help with sustainable clothing. Still need convincing? Here are six reasons that you should care about sustainable fashion.

The World Will Thank You
The fashion industry is vast, but it does leave behind a giant carbon footprint. Pesticides in cotton and toxic fabric dyes do not make for environmentally friendly products.
Choosing organic fibres can make a huge difference to the carbon footprint that you are trying to shrink, and they don’t use chemicals. Tencel-branded denim jeans are the perfect example of clothing that has little impact on the environment. Choosing clothing that saves the world? That’s a little bit of Wonder Woman right there.
People Will Thank You Too.
The more you buy from FairTrade companies, the better you are for the people who sell it. It’s sweatshop-free, meaning that no one is sweating on a low wage to make the clothes you buy at a high price. FairTrade companies that sell sustainable clothing actually care about more than the bottom line of the business.
Animals will appreciate it as well
Leather boots are pretty, but no animal in the world will thank you for using their hide to make footwear. Vegan, sustainable footwear means that you are choosing not to take advantage of animals who can’t defend themselves. Organic materials are much better to use than animal products; remember that.

Built To Last
Organic, renewable fibres last a lot longer than cheaply made materials. Reducing waste is important, and the longer the clothing lasts, the longer they avoid heading to landfills. Reducing that waste will do more for the earth, but the longer your clothes last, the better you will do for the environment.
Sustainable fashion should never be a joke and should be promoted as much as possible. Your future and the future of all the children in the world depend on it. The fashion industry may not have caught up yet, but when they do, the world will be astounded by how awesome the clothes are.