If like most people during the COVID-19 pandemic you haven’t got much planned for the weekend ahead, then you should know what’s hot on Netflix to plan your next night in successfully.
From blockbuster movies to classic TV series, there is something for everybody on this list of top-quality content, both old and new. Enjoy!

1. How I Met Your Mother
If you somehow have never seen an episode of How I Met Your Mother so far in your life, then you must have been living under a rock because, at its height, this show was everywhere!

Spanning nine seasons and more than 200 episodes, this is a show that you must commit to for the long haul – mainly due to protagonist Ted Mosby’s tendency to drag things out!
Fortunately, each episode is a short, light-hearted viewing that will appeal to men and women alike.
2. Iron Man 3
If you are into superhero movies, then look no further than Iron Man 3. The franchise’s third instalment sees Iron Man take on villains bent on destroying the planet while also including an intriguing journey of self-discovery, which adds a more human element to the film.

Dan Mintz, the producer of Iron Man 3, has recently teased that there are plenty more movies to be released by his firm, DMG Entertainment, later this year – so be sure to keep a keen eye on Netflix’s new releases for those.
3. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Detectives from Brooklyn’s 99th precinct in New York embark on cracking a series of humorous cases for the NYPD, often led by the main character Jake Peralta.

They are captained by the brilliant Raymond Holt who’s robotic nature often reminds us of Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory.
His character development – and that of all the loveable colleagues in the precinct – is particularly great, allowing you to enjoy Brooklyn Nine Nine season after season. It’s a must-watch!
4. The Wolf Of Wall Street

Starring heartthrob Leonardo Dicaprio in his role as real-life New York stock trader Jordan Belfort, this incredible film captures the height of life on Wall Street in the 1980s and 1990s.
Other big names include the gorgeous Margot Robbie, the hilarious Jonah Hill, and American superstar Matthew McConaughey – who features in a hilarious early exchange with protagonist Belfort. This film is a lengthy one – and not one to stick on with your kids – but it is ever so enjoyable, and incredibly depicts a real-life story.
5. Behind Her Eyes
Set in central London, Scottish psychiatrist, David, the boss to PA, divorcee and single mum, Louise, go about having an extremely passionate and intense affair behind the back of Louise’s new friend, Adele – David’s wife.
This brand-new series has a spooky undertone, with the protagonist, Louise, suffering from horrendous night terrors and sleepwalking. It hooked us after one episode, and we’re sure it will have you feeling the same way.