I need to embark on a journey through the complex and dynamic world of friendships. Picture this: we’re navigating a vast ocean, where understanding and managing different personalities is akin to steering through unpredictable waters.

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We’ll be identifying the ‘narcissistic icebergs’ and appreciating the ‘safe harbours’ of true friendship.

Join me as we delve into this intricate sea, armed with insights and strategies for maintaining healthy and fulfilling relationships.

You might be wondering why I’m using these ocean phrases. Well….

The ocean metaphor in the context of navigating friendships serves as a powerful and relatable analogy. Just like the ocean, friendships and social interactions are vast, and deep, and can vary in their nature — calm and supportive at times, but also turbulent and challenging at others.

So let us continue.

The Narcissist: A Sea Monster in Disguise

First up, let’s talk about our not-so-favourite sea creature: the narcissist. Picture a sea monster, but instead of living in the ocean, it thrives on compliments and self-importance. Spotting a narcissist in the wild is like finding a needle in a haystack—if the needle constantly talked about how sharp and shiny it was.

Signs You’re Dealing with a Narcissist:

  1. Selfie Syndrome: They love talking about themselves. You mention your new job, and suddenly it’s their life story – The Me-Me-Me Show!
  2. Empathy? What’s That?: If empathy is a language, narcissists are proudly unilingual in ‘Me-lish’.
  3. Compliment Fishing: They fish for compliments so much, that you’d think they were planning to open a compliment aquarium.
  4. Criticism Allergic: They take criticism like a cat takes a bath – not well, and with a lot of hissing.

True Friends: The Lighthouses in the Fog

Now, let’s navigate towards the brighter side – true friends. They’re like lighthouses in the foggy world of social interactions. Spotting a true friend is like finding a treasure chest in your backyard – rare but oh-so-valuable!

Traits of True Friends:

  1. They Listen: And not just when you talk about pizza. They listen like their Netflix subscription depends on it.
  2. Honesty is their Policy: They’ll tell you if you have spinach in your teeth. Brutal, but necessary.
  3. Supportive, Not Competitive: They cheer for you. If life were a race, they’d hand you water (or coffee, depending on the day).
  4. Laughs and Tears: They’re there for the LOLs and the low moments. Like a good sitcom, but with more hugs.

Letting Go: Not Just for Frozen Fans

Letting go of toxic friends is like cleaning your closet. It’s tough to part with that shirt you loved in high school (it has memories! ), but it’s liberating. Remember, walking away from relationships that feel like you’re doing emotional gymnastics without a safety net is okay.

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Tips for Letting Go:

  1. It’s Not You, It’s Them: Seriously, it is.
  2. Mourn the Good Times: Like that one time, they didn’t talk about themselves. Good times…
  3. Embrace the Space: More room for activities! And, you know, healthier relationships.
  4. Celebrate the Stay-ers: Cherish the friends who stick around – they’re your emotional support humans.


Navigating friendships is like being a captain on the high seas. Sometimes you encounter pirates (narcissists), and sometimes you find your crew (true friends).

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Remember, it’s okay to walk the plank and leave a friendship that feels like you’re stuck in the Bermuda Triangle of drama. Here’s to smooth sailing and finding your squad!

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