Finances…They’re not the most exciting things to talk about with your partner. People will try to hide the conversation about money, putting off talking about debt, spending, goals, and budgets until the last possible moment (or, until you need to apply for a loan together and all the skeletons come out of the closet).

Here is how often you and your partner should talk about money.

We’d rather discuss our plans for the weekend, where we want to go, our dreams, or anything else. But money keeps the world going, and we need to talk about it, especially with the person who knows us and our futures the best.

You don’t have to talk about money daily, but you should do it regularly and, ideally, on a consistent, planned-ahead schedule that lets you both come to the table ready.

But if you’re unsure how often you should talk about money with your partner, we asked Catherine Alford, author of Mom’s Got Money and co-founder of Millennial Homeowner, for some advice.

Think about having your money talk once a month

Alford suggests having a regular meeting at the beginning of the month. This is a suggestion that many financial experts share. She says that doing this at the beginning of the month gives you time to think about and plan for big expenses for that month.

This can help you avoid the stress of spending money on the spot. You can plan for birthdays, vacations, and car insurance bills that require a one-time payment.

She also says that if you look at the next month, you can make the right plan and budget. For example, June and December may look different. If you both want to keep track of your spending throughout the month, you can plan a mini-check-in for the 15th to see if the budget is working or needs to be changed because of unexpected costs.

  1. Make a plan.
    So, what goes on at these meetings every month? First, you don’t want to attend your monthly meeting about money and find some surprises. So, plan. Look at your bills, what you’ve spent, and how your investments are doing a few days before you need to pay them. If something could upset your partner, tell them ahead so they can plan how to handle it. Then, you can talk about it calmly during the meeting.
  2. Have one partner take charge of the meeting.
    One person may naturally want to run these meetings, but if neither person is excited about money, you can take turns running the meeting, taking notes, and assigning action items.
  3. Set an agenda.
    It’s too easy to sit down without knowing what you need to talk about, and five minutes later, someone will say, “Okay, anything else? We’re good? “and you both go on your way without talking about anything complicated.
Here is how often you and your partner should talk about money.

Instead, bring a clear plan to the table that includes short-term and long-term financial goals and decisions. It might not look the same every month, but you should have things like a review of your past and future budgets, credit card statements, debt, and investments.

You should talk about how healthy money worked for you last month and if you need to change anything. Bring up long-term spending goals, like a down payment or paying for your child’s college. Look at your statements for retirement and use this time to learn about the stock market.

Don’t forget to have fun

And don’t forget that it doesn’t all have to be spreadsheets and numbers. You can have fun while making a budget. Alford adds, “Don’t forget to start each monthly budget meeting by stating your big, audacious money goals and dreaming. This puts you and your partner on the same page and helps you remember why you’re meeting to talk about money in the first place.”

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