The summertime! The season of sunshine, ice cream, and—if you’re a long-haired cat owner—finding tiny, fluffy tumbleweeds of fur rolling through your home. As much fun as summer is, it can be challenging to enjoy it when you share your home (and air conditioner) with a kitty that could rival Cousin Itt in intelligence.

white and gray cat Surviving the Summer Heat with Your Fluffy, Furry Best Friend

There are many who have pondered the question of how to keep their magnificent long-haired cat cool and comfortable during a heatwave. Here’s how to keep your fluffy friend cool on hot days without sacrificing their happiness (you know, without letting them overheat, of course).

1. The Art of the Summer Trim

To start, is a summer haircut for cats something you should consider? Oh, I am not sure! Some cats absolutely love the feeling of being trimmed down for the season, while others would rather move to the Arctic than endure the dreaded buzz of clippers. If your cat seems like the type who enjoys a bit of pampering, a professional groomer can give them a nice trim to help with the heat. Just be sure to leave enough fur to protect them from the sun—nobody wants a sunburnt kitty!

selective focus photography of orange and white cat on brown table

2. Hydration Station

Let’s be real—cats are basically royalty, and like any monarch, they require a proper hydration setup. During summer, it’s essential to keep multiple water bowls around the house, especially in cooler spots where your cat likes to lounge. Bonus points if you invest in a cat fountain—because what self-respecting feline doesn’t want to drink from a babbling brook?

3. The Great Fan Chase

Fans aren’t just for humans! Many cats enjoy the gentle breeze of a fan as much as we do. Set up a fan in your cat’s favorite hangout spot and watch them stretch out in pure bliss. Just be prepared for the possibility that your cat might decide the fan is their new mortal enemy. Cats, after all, are nothing if not unpredictable.

4. The Cool Down Zones

Whether it is hiding under the bed or in the washbasin in the bathroom, your cat always seems to find the most interesting place to hang out. Establishing specific “cool zones” can help to foster this innate tendency. In their preferred areas, place ceramic tiles or cooling mats (yes, such things do exist!). Your cat can get some much-needed relief from the heat by using these materials, which naturally remain cooler.

5. Ice, Ice, Kitty

It sounds like a new TikTok trend’s plot, but believe us—it works. Put some ice cubes in your cat’s water dish and they will drink something cold, or give them a frozen toy to play with and keep them entertained. While some felines may lie down on a moist towel, be warned that some will give you the “How dare you?” look. Try it out either way!

brown and white cat sitting beside of glass window during daytime

6. Watch for Overheating

Heatstroke can also affect cats, so it is not all rainbows and unicorns. Indicators such as excessive panting, drooling, or listlessness should be noted. Roll up the windows and call the vet if your feline friend is acting strangely or appears abnormally hot. Safety first, right?

7. Embrace the Shed

Let’s face it: owning a long-haired cat means you’re probably finding fur in places fur should never be. Summer is shedding season, so get ready to brush. Often. A daily grooming session helps keep shedding under control and gives you some quality bonding time with your fur baby. Plus, fewer fur clumps floating around means you can keep your sanity (and your vacuum) intact.

8. Cuddle Time

gray cat on white textile

It may be a bit toasty, but that will not stop your feline friend from wanting their regular cuddle sessions. A long-haired cat’s summertime snuggles might make you feel like you are embracing a fluffy heating pad. Soak up the heat, or at least pet them gently from a safe, non-sweaty distance.

9. Summer Style

I bet your cat thinks it is too cool to wear clothes if it is anything like mine. But if you are in the mood for some adventure, you can find incredibly adorable, lightweight sun protection shirts for cats. The worst thing is putting a miserable cat in something it despises, so make sure the clothes are loose-fitting and comfortable.

orange and white tabby cat

10. Love and Patience

Your long-haired cat is likely as bewildered by the heat as you are, in the end. If they are acting a bit grumpy or unmotivated, try to be patient with them. In the end, they are attempting to figure out how to survive summertime while wearing a full fur coat.

While summers with long-haired cats can present some unique challenges, they can also be enjoyed to the fullest with the help of some helpful hints and plenty of affection. My cat is likely laying in the bathroom sink, planning his next fur-shedding attack, so I would like to find him if you do not mind if I interrupt. Cat owners, stay cool!

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