The choice you make every day affects this planet. You’ve heard about the over 2,000 landfills in the
The United States. The 18 billion pounds of plastic trash that winds up in the oceans threaten the
existence of marine life. And the impact of greenhouse gases on global warming. All these are the
The consequences of not living sustainably.
You contribute less to landfills and their underflowing leachate when you live sustainably. You cut
down the number of plastics that end up in oceans. And you reduce your carbon footprint for the good
of the environment.
Unlike many people believe, a sustainable lifestyle does not necessarily need significant, expensive changes. In fact, switching to a sustainable lifestyle is as simple as you’ll read next.
What are the ways of switching to a sustainable lifestyle?

Living a sustainable lifestyle requires reducing the use of natural resources through conservation
and reusability. Sustainability is not only limited to less usage of natural resources. It also involves the
replacement of these resources whenever possible. After all, you want to contribute to the well-being
of Mother Nature.
Below are some of the things you can do to start living sustainably:
- Produce less waste by embracing reusability.
- Grow your food and compost at home
- Conserve fuel by reducing the use of combustible engines
- Opt for renewable energy.
- Opt for eco-friendly and zero-waste products such as bamboo toothbrushes and natural dog soaps
- and reusable towels.
- Avoid the use of papers made from wood whenever possible. So, do you think sustainability matters? Here are some of the advantages of embracing sustainability.
It Saves the World
Climate change and global warming are the consequences of not living sustainably. An ozone layer (O₃) in the upper atmosphere stops dangerous Sun radiation from reaching the Earth.

However, the carbon gases released from combustible engines deplete the ozone layer, allowing the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation to descend into the lower atmosphere.
The result is the greenhouse effect—the warming of the surface and lower atmosphere of the Earth. This leads to the ever-increasing atmospheric temperature and increasing unpredictability of the weather we are experiencing today.
Some of the significant contributors to this are combustible engines in cars, aeroplanes, ships, and other heavy-duty machines. Living sustainably requires humans to shift away from these engines and embrace using electric cars, biking or walking short distances, and carpooling to reduce carbon footprints.
It Leads to Healthy Living
“You are what you eat,” they say. The food you consume impacts your physical and mental wellness. Various health issues emerge from our in-depth connection with processed food.
Sustainability advises against the overconsumption of processed food. It encourages families to grow their food and consume diets rich in fruit and vegetables. That way, they will spend less, contribute to the green environment, and ultimately lead healthier lives.
More so, processed foods contain chemical additives to enhance their taste and preservatives to extend their shelf life. Obesity, cancer, heart disease, anxiety, and depression are diseases related to processed foods. People with busy lifestyles and city dwellers are most vulnerable to fast food. 50% of a typical American diet is from ultra-processed food (According to the American Heart Association, AHA).
It Reduces the Cost
Energy and water costs are leading concerns for many homeowners and manufacturers. When you live sustainably, you beat down your expenses on both considerably. Opting for energy-saving lighting systems, appliances, and machines will greatly reduce your monthly bill and overall bottom line.
Also, taking advantage of energy from natural resources such as the Sun and wind to power a lot of your activities does not only help improve the environment significantly but also saves you costs in the short and long term.

To conserve water, ensure no water leaks in your household and workplace. In the United States alone, household leaks amount to nearly 1 trillion gallons of water wastage per year. So, check out and fix leaks in your toilet, faucets, and showerhead.
The Bottom Line
Natural resources are central to human existence. Food, water, shelter, and air are all from natural resources. However, the rate of resource consumption by humans is almost five times what nature can reproduce. More so, not all natural resources are renewable.
The goal of sustainability is to preserve and replenish natural resources. Humankind must embrace sustainable living to make this planet habitable for future generations. It starts with you.