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Your mum tells you your singing is amazing, your boyfriend is loving the hip hop beats you have added to your tracks, and your best mate is enthusiastic every time she listens to your recordings. It’s finally time to hit the big time.

So, you do what many aspiring musicians and singers do around the world, and that’s applied for the X-Factor, or any one of the many other talents shows that air on TV. Finally, you will be able to showcase your talents to the masses.

Getting onto one of these shows is harder than it looks, and even if you do, you might still make a fool of yourself on national television. That would not be the perfect start to your music career!

Beyond X-Factor: 3 Other Ways To Promote Your Music
Let’s think beyond the X-Factor then (not that we are trying to put you off) with some alternative ideas.

#1: Spend time on the gigging circuit

Your family and friends will always remain loyal to you, but you need a bigger fan base if you hope to succeed in the music business.

To do this, you must spend a good amount of time on the gigging circuit. So, if there are any open mic nights near you, get yourself along to the relevant venues. And do a Google search of local bars and diners who will pay you for your musical talents.

Doing so will hopefully pick up a few new fans, and they will help spread the word about your music. Additionally, if you choose the right positions to play, a talent scout who likes what they hear might also notice you and help advance your career.

Beyond X-Factor: 3 Other Ways To Promote Your Music

#2: Upload your music

Many people have found fame and fortune from YouTube celebs to celebrity bloggers thanks to the internet. And thanks to the various streaming platforms available for singers and musicians, you could find fame too.

From Spotify to Soundcloud, take a look at the previously linked article, and consider signing up to a few yourself. Not only do people use these sites to find new music, but talent scouts use them too, so if you rack up the hits on your page, you might also attract an industry bigwig!

#3: Set up your own website

What do your fans do when they want to hear more of your music after listening to it online or at a gig? They buy it, of course, and so setting up your own website is just one way to sell your music.

You can then promote your site through your social pages and connect your followers to it through business cards, flyers, and music-streaming site links.

When writing to industry professionals, be they other musicians or music agents, you can also direct them to your site, as not only will they get to hear your music, but they will find out more about your background too if you have made the info available. Check out this article for info on how to set yourself up online.

Beyond X-Factor: 3 Other Ways To Promote Your Music


Try to get yourself on television if you want. For all we know, you might bowl the judges and the audience over with your performance. Still, don’t let that be your only route to music stardom. Consider our ideas too and build your brand online and offline, as you might still find fame and fortune by doing so.

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