Diving into the dynamic world of punk with a political edge and undeniable passion, we’re thrilled to spotlight the multi-talented Mark Spicoluk. A revered figure in the Canadian music scene, Mark has carved out an illustrious career spanning various roles: musician, producer, music executive, entrepreneur, and television personality.

His journey is a testament to creativity and innovation, from electrifying performances as a punk rock bassist to his harmonious vocals.
Mark has left an indelible mark on the industry through his work with iconic bands like Closet Monster and Sum 41 and alongside the likes of Avril Lavigne, showcasing a versatility and depth that goes beyond the music.
It doesn’t stop there; being at the hype of his career, he is also the founder of the indie record label Underground Operations, which has been going since he was the age of 17.
As busy as Mark is with his work, music, travels, and interests (doing charity for animals), yes, he is a vegan too, people! Awesome!
He also spends a lot of time working as a judge on ITV’s The Next Star. I was super lucky to steal him away from his work and the wonders of his daily blog and updates with his inspirational and political words to interview him.
Despite Mark’s hectic schedule, filled with music projects, globetrotting, diverse interests (including his commitment to animal charity work), and yes, his dedicated vegan lifestyle, he still finds time to serve as a judge on ITV’s “The Next Star.”
I was incredibly fortunate to snag some time with him, pulling him away from his engaging work and the daily gems he shares on his blog—ranging from inspirational to political insights—for this interview.

As someone who has long admired his incredible talent, work, and those uniquely epic experiences, I was beyond thrilled to have this opportunity. It felt like a moment too special not to share with all of you.
I know many of you, like me, have been eager to dive deep into everything from the nostalgic days with Avril and Closet Monster to his thoughts on love, films, and the kind of inspiration that fuels us. Let’s discover together what Mark has to unveil!
Question Time!
1. Describe yourself in 3 words. Passionate. Driven. Weirdo.
2. You went on tour with Avril Lavigne. How was that? It was one of the craziest and most fun times of my life… I’ve had a lot of crazy fun times. But this one was definitely unlike the rest. Ha-ha.

3. Any fun stories you can tell about Avril? Avril was such a sweetheart. She worked hard to get where she is, and the first time the paparazzi ever showed up, I think I saw her mind blow out her ears. Ha-ha.
4. How long have you toured with her? It was back in like 2003… for many months leading up to her first record ‘let’s go’ and the summer and fall after it came out. Not a long time, but it was the start of everything, so it was a super ride to be on.
5. When performing, has anything exciting happened on stage? Playing in Japan was always the best. Who is your main inspiration for your music? I love music with the meaning behind it. A political or inspirational edge. It evokes more in me; it evokes emotion and sparks my heart. Music was once a tool for people to inspire change in themselves and the world, and one day I would love to see it go back to that again.
6. If you could perform with any band in the world, who would it be? Nirvana.
7. What have you got lined up for your next upcoming project? Currently, I’m crafting songs, aiming to accumulate a collection of about 5 to 10. After that, I’ll explore the possibilities of what to do with them and who to collaborate with. Writing music without a pre-set agenda is thrilling—it allows the process to be more organic and the outcome to be more genuine.
8. Can you tell us a little bit more about it? I’m passionate about addressing the critical point our planet is facing; without significant changes, our future is at risk. My music aims to challenge the status quo by promoting new ways of thinking about our world, connecting with those aware, and inspiring others to see our collective role differently.

9. You studied philosophy at college. What made you want to get in the direction you are in now? I always made music as a teenager. For a quick minute, I should give it up for a career in academics. Still, music has been away in my life, sucking me back in. Philosophy and political science have always fascinated me, and learning them in a school environment was terrific; I want to go back and continue my studies one day. I’m not sure when. But one day, for sure.

10. How would you describe your style? Casual and easy. I am conscious of what I wear, but I always try to keep it easy and comfortable for myself. Also animal friendly.
11. What do your hobbies include? Hockey, snowboarding, piano, making new vegan recipes with my girlfriend, and music.
12. Have you always wanted to do something involving music? Why? Yes. It has just always had an alluring quality to me. Feeds that voice in my heart and mind that says anything is possible. And from all the crazy experiences surrounding it, I think I have proved that right. Anything is possible.
13. Who is your biggest inspiration? Anyone who stands up for what is right or speaks out against the bastards.

14. Action movies or romantic ones? Name a few. Both. I consider Raid 2 to be one of the most exceptional films I have ever viewed; however, I also love “Love Actually.” I’m a Gemini; I’m always split and drastically different.
14. What are your top 3 bands? Propagandhi, Sigur Ros, and rage against the machine in no particular order.
15. Any words of advice for people wanting to follow in your footsteps? Make your own footsteps. It’s easier that way. Work hard. Trust your instincts. Don’t be afraid of big decisions. Prepare to fail a lot on the road to success. And dream fucking big.

16. You’ve served as a judge on YTV’s “The Next Star.” How has your experience been in that role? “I love it. I worked as a judge on a music show called Disband a few years ago for two seasons and now with YTV’s Next Star, it’s a lot of fun too. I like helping young kids with positive reinforcement and giving them advice and tools to help them grow. Also, everyone I work with on the show from a production standpoint is an amazing person and super fun to work with too.
17. You’ve collaborated with Sum 41. How did you establish connections with numerous artists in the music industry? When I played in Sum41, it was at the start of their career… I grew up with them and learnt to play bass to replace a bass player they had. Eventually, I left to start my band closet monster.
18. Being with Closet Monster. You have inspired a lot of fans; tell us about an epic experience with the band! While touring Europe, we stayed at Leon Cavalo, a self-governed squat in Milan, Italy, unnoticed by officials but alive with communal anarchists. It boasts restaurants, venues, a library, and more. There, we met a remarkable founder, known as “Mamma anti-fascisto,” who shared her life’s struggles and political tales with an inspiring smile. She left a lasting impact on us, inspiring a song and video in her honour, echoing her mantra, “Never surrender.”

19. You get so much support and love from your blog. Is that just something you keep close and personal to you as a live diary? So far, given its novelty. I’m thrilled to have it launched—it means a lot to me. I value this outlet and aim to sustain it over time, sharing it with others. I believe it’s crucial for us as creative, positive individuals to share and create as much as we can. This project is a manifestation of that belief for me.

20. I can’t help but notice your love for animals! Any pets at home or faves for us animal lovers? Yes! Prince, my beloved dog, holds a special place in my heart. He is the sweetest little misfit, and I love him so much. He has made me a better and stronger person in many ways. I call him my silent Buddha.
21. You have been in the public eye for years! How did you go about with underground operations? Starting at 17, I entered the underground music scene, creating cassette tapes for my band and others in the punk rock community, unknowingly building a historical archive of our musical journeys.
Lacking formal music business education, I learnt on the job—through hard work, instinct, and learning from many mistakes. It’s a rewarding path I’d suggest to any passionate individual.
“Never give up. Always work hard. When something doesn’t feel right, take action. And revel in the moments of the journey when you have a second to breathe. Those are the moments of success that you will remember. There is no end to ever be found, only a path to walk.“.

Any last words you might like to share with all your fans? “I guess I just want to add that if there is one new idea I would like to ask people to consider just for a moment, it’s our relationship as human beings to the animals on our planet. They are our responsibility to take care of, not exploit. No matter what species… we are all a part of the same weird existence.”

A wide range of cultural, inspirational, and diverse experiences have enriched Mark’s journey. His success today is built on a foundation of working with top bands and maintaining his roots in underground operations, as he acknowledges.
This information comes directly from Mark himself! For more insights and to stay updated on his latest endeavours, make sure to follow him on social media. Dive into his world and discover what he’s passionately working on next!