Are you finding it hard to concentrate? Getting distracted and letting your thoughts wander is far too easy these days. With so much going on on our phones, on the Internet, and in our minds, the most challenging part of our days is usually the exhausting effort of staying focused.

Image from: Pexels That’s why it takes so long to get things done, you know, and why it feels so impossible to tick everything off that to-do list before we go to bed.
Luckily, a few tried-and-tested methods will undoubtedly boost your concentration and increase that productivity once and for all. Here are a handful of the best ways to get off the Internet and back to work.
#1 Get your energy out
While it may feel like our mind and body are separate and that our bodies are merely vessels for carrying our heads around, they’re interconnected.
Check out, by the way, to read more about how exercise improves concentration.

Having a lot of mental energy is quite different than having a lot of physical energy – and while you’ll easily be able to focus with mental energy, it will be problematic if your body wants to move.
The best cure for distractions and an unfocused mind is to drain your body of energy before you get to work. That way, you can enjoy the feeling of having a happy and rested body so that you can put your good head to work instead.
#2 Find some study music
No matter what you need to focus on, whether it’s your work, studies or tax returns, it will help immensely when you have some calm music in the background.
It kind of blocks out all of that other background noise that’s going on in your head and makes it easier for you to focus on what’s right in front of you.

Some music is better to listen to than others, so look at for some great alternatives.
Remember to keep the music soft and only make it a part of the background – the main thing you should be listening to is the sound of your own work.
#3 Take care of everything else
While some can work in messy surroundings, others are not, and if you’re one of them, it’s best to tidy up your place before you get to work.
Otherwise, you’re just going to have so many things distracting you throughout the day, and you won’t be able to be as productive as you would have been.

The same goes for your emotions, by the way, and it’s going to be hard to focus on the dry stuff if you have a lot on your mind.
Try to fix whatever you need as soon as possible so that it doesn’t drag out; it’s just going to get worse, and you’ll be even more upset as you are unable get any work done because of it. What are the bad habits you are trying to break and work around?