The first few weeks of a relationship are always imbued with a certain magic. Our new beau seems so fascinating and perfect. Every day, you learn something new and exciting about them.

What’s more, because you still enjoy a certain mystique with them, you get the opportunity to reinvent yourself a little while you’re in their company.
You have the freedom to embody your true self and initiate the relationship according to your own terms. As time goes by, your mutual trust starts to grow with your relationship. Before you know it, they make an invitation that makes you believe that maybe things aren’t so casual.

They take you to meet their… dog!
As an animal lover, it can be difficult to form long-term relationships with people who aren’t as enthusiastic about animals and their welfare as you are. Dating a dog lover comes with a number of benefits.
For instance…

They cheer you up when you’re feeling down
Coming home to an empty place after a bad day at work or receiving some bad news can feel heartbreaking. Even if your new beau is with you, they may not be able to find the words to console you. But their dog… their dog just gets you.
All your worries melt away when that muzzle settles into your lap and their big brown eyes begin to stare at you. Pet therapy has a range of health and emotional benefits that even skilled professionals sometimes fail to match.
You have a great reason to visit, even if they’re not in your best books

Even in the honeymoon period of your relationship, you’re likely to have arguments. And when they invite you over, you’d be reticent to say “yes”… were it not for their four-legged roomie! Their beloved pooch gives you a great reason to visit, even if you’re not in the best mood with the human in the house.
You’re never short of gift ideas
Choosing great gifts for birthdays, festive occasions, or those days when you just feel like showing them how much you love them can be challenging for some partners. Not so for dog lovers!

Wherever there’s a beloved pet, there’s always a cute, clever, or inventive gift idea. Even for lesser-known breeds. Just look at these beautiful Cockapoo-themed gifts. Or these exquisite 3D-printed pooches!

It gives you a great excuse to get outdoors
A sedentary lifestyle is not only bad for your body; it’s also a burden on your mind. Spending time in the great outdoors, however, can be a huge boost to your mood as well as helping you to live a little healthier.
But when you don’t have a four-legged companion, finding the motivation to step outside can be hard. But when you’re dating a dog lover, there’s always a reason to stay motivated for walkies!
You know that they’re capable of true love and selflessness

Finally, if someone has let a dog into their home, it’s because they are a loving, compassionate, selfless, and sensitive soul who’s capable of putting others’ needs first and making sacrifices for them. And those are all signs that you’ve found someone mature and emotionally intelligent enough for a great relationship.