We shouldn’t have to tell you how damaging your relationship with your smartphone can be these days. People spend wasted hours each day scrolling, looking at nothing in particular. They compare themselves to photoshopped images and feel bad about themselves.

They spend money they haven’t got to ‘keep up. They base their worth on likes, follows, and comments. It’s incredibly unhealthy, and something needs to be done!
Here, we’ll look at how you can develop a healthier relationship with your smartphone. It might take a little work, but it will be worth it. Take a look:

Have ‘Off Limits’ Time
Set yourself some ‘off limits’ phone times. Early morning is an excellent time to consider your phone off-limits, as scrolling the first thing can hinder your day.
The more you scroll on social media sites, the more your head gets clogged up with junk that doesn’t need to be there. It can be much more of a struggle to complete the necessary work and get things done this way!

Evenings are another good time to consider your phone off-limits, as this is when you should be winding down, enjoying hobbies, and getting ready for bed.
Your phone can stop you from doing this. You could look at affordable Sprint wireless plans to see if there’s something better for you that supports the new amount of time you expect to use your phone. It will encourage you not to use it at every opportunity.

Have A Day Where You Don’t Use Your Phone At All
How about challenging yourself not to use your phone for a day? Perhaps you could do this one day a week, on the weekend. You’d be surprised at how much you can get done when you stay away from it completely!
Turn Off Your Notifications
Please turn off your notifications so you’re not tempted to check them every time you get a new one. They are likely just apps trying to bring you back for no good reason.
Be mindful of how certain apps were created, and remember that they are designed to keep you there for a ridiculous amount of time. They want you on there for as long as possible, and in turn, this takes you away from where you’re supposed to be and sucks up all of your productivity.

Always Have A Good Reason For Using Your Phone And Keep It In Mind
When you pick up your phone out of habit, have a good reason for using it and keep it in mind, so you don’t get sidetracked. If you can’t think of a good cause, put it aside. Getting into this habit will be a huge help.
Become More Mindful Of What’s Going On Around You
Instead of picking up your phone whenever there’s silence among friends or you’re alone in a coffee shop, become more mindful of what’s happening around you. You never know what you might miss if you don’t look up from that screen!