There is something for everyone with all these hybrid yogas popping up nationwide. Not interested in hot yoga, sweating 100 degrees while someone else does a downward dog? Perhaps you prefer animals? announcer) Yoga is yours! I researched some popular animal yoga styles.

Different Types of Animal Yoga

Why yoga animals? Animals are empathetic and never judge. They probably can’t because you’re doing the posture better. Dogs? Doga. Cats? Cat-asana. Goats? Goat Yoga. Horses? Horsga Alpacas? Alpaca. Lemurs? Pigs? Pig yoga, pig pilates, and pig yoga are all possible. Maybe someone is thinking of that now! Your next million-dollar concept.

Different Types of Animal Yoga

Thanks. Downward Dog, Camel, Cat, Cow, and Scorpion Pose are all named after animals. Thus, we should include these animals in their namesake activities, except for the Scorpion. Which yoga animal companion is best? If this is your thing, you might want a cute, bouncy baby goat to distract you if you have to hold a pose for long.

Different Types of Animal Yoga

Animal Yoga:

  • Dog Yoga
  • Cat Yoga
  • Goat Yoga
  • Cow Yoga
  • Bunny Yoga
  • Horse Yoga
  • Pig Yoga
  • Zoo Yoga
  • Alpaca Yoga
  • Farm Yoga
  • Reptile Yoga
  • Lemur Yoga
  • Human Yoga

What’s the best yoga animal partner? From my research, cats, dogs, goats, and horses are the top yoga animals. You’ll choose the cutest animal or avoid those you’re allergic to. Hives are only good for Bee Yoga! Sorry. Assume they’re cute and hypoallergenic. Then which?

Different Types of Animal Yoga

Dogs and cats are household pets. You can bring “Fido” to yoga and practice moves at home. They would cherish you and not feed the next yogi.

Different Types of Animal Yoga

As goat yoga grows, farm animals show flexibility. Remember the horses and cows! Horse, cow, and goat yoga benefits include not bringing your animal unless you wish to.

Different Types of Animal Yoga

Horse and Cow Yoga is done outside in smaller classes. Munch on the grass and watch your pretzel. If you don’t want to have a 4-times-your-size animal evaluate you, try goats! Baby goats may hop on your back and play! Lemur yoga is comparable.

Different Types of Animal Yoga

As you can see, turning a sacred practice into something goats can do took thousands of years! Start yoga with your favourite prop or animal! Isn’t that “Yoga” now? Props? “Beer Yoga” fans, drink up! It’s you!

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