Hogwarts magic. It’s a fun open-world role-playing game with mysteries, hazards, and cute creatures. In this environment, it’s easy for me to cast spells, and my magical instincts usually help me solve problems. Battle magic and reactions are flawless. Hogwarts has strengthened me.
Hogwarts Legacy’s conflicts are exciting and varied. 16 spells, a wheel of potions and plants, a metre that generates powerful magic moves, and a base defence make for explosive, fluid duels. My witch’s spells, healing potions, and protego blasts react last minute. I like testing my powers and clothing improvements on each battleground.
Beyond Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, players find side missions, challenges, secrets, puzzles, and obstacle courses. The planet is enormous but lovely, created rather than procedurally generated. My Quests tab keeps adding challenges, powers, and discoveries. I enjoy doing the activities when I need a break from the story.

Hogwarts Legacy has endless activities. After around 10 hours of play, the Space of Requirement offers an interior design mechanic that lets players personalise a huge room, from the architecture to the arrangement and colour of tables, chairs, paintings, rugs, and trinkets. Players in this room market their loom, tables, herb chests, and monsters. I like personalising my room of requirement.

Reading recipes and manipulating ingredients was calming in Pottermore. Hogwarts Legacy makes potions easily. You gather the components and serve them, like sowing.
The mechanics match the game—in a bustling and large world, getting the ingredients is the challenge, not chopping, stirring, grinding, measuring, and timing—but it’s a missed opportunity.

Hogwarts Legacy is a typical fantasy. Two main stories collide: goblin revolutionaries who aim to destroy the wizarding world and an in-depth look at an old and powerful magic that the main character, you, can utilise in many ways.
Harry Potter fans will recognise the second plot as old farts driving a child into risky situations while stroking their long white beards. Dumbledore’s origin is apparent. Vampires, dwarves, and other creatures in European fiction have been antisemitic for decades. This lecture will not change your thinking about the Hogwarts legacy goblins.

The Harry Potter author’s transphobia has dominated game reviews and tweets. Some criticise Hogwarts Legacy reviewers and streamers. This debate eclipsed the game review. I wrote an essay this week outlining why I reviewed this game for Engadget.

Hogwarts Legacy may be transphobic or bigoted. The game’s setting is more open than Harry Potter’s, and the author had no input. Names, gender, voice, and appearance are customisable in Hogwarts Legacy.

The primary character, a super-powered wizard student, is customisable for interactive role-playing. Fantasy roleplayers understand. Complexity, surprises, and spectacular moments define this open-world role-playing game.