Brace yourselves, Queenslanders! Tropical Cyclone Alfred is storming towards the coast, ready to shake things up with powerful winds and a whole lot of rain. But don’t worry—we’ve got you covered with this fun (but seriously important) guide on how to handle the chaos like a pro.

1. Get Your Emergency Kit Ready (Aka the Storm Survival Pack)

Before Alfred arrives, stock up on the essentials! Here’s what you need:

  • Water: At least three days’ worth (because no one wants to drink rainwater!).
  • Food: Non-perishables—think tinned beans, crackers, and chocolate (very important!).
  • Batteries & Torches: Power cuts are coming, so don’t get caught in the dark.
  • First Aid Kit: Just in case.
  • Portable Phone Charger: For those emergency TikToks… and, of course, actual emergencies.
  • Important Documents: Keep them in a waterproof bag—no one wants a soggy passport!

Check out this full emergency checklist!

2. Secure Your Home (Fortress Mode: Activated)

  • Windows & Doors: Board them up or use storm shutters. No one wants an impromptu indoor water feature!
  • Clear the Yard: Bring in anything that could become a flying projectile (bye-bye garden gnomes!).
  • Sandbags: If you’re in a flood-prone area, grab some to keep the water out.
  • Unplug Electronics: Power surges can fry your devices. (Yes, even your PlayStation!)

3. Know Your Escape Plan

If authorities say EVACUATE, don’t wait until your street looks like Venice!

  • Find your nearest evacuation centre.
  • Pack a go-bag with essentials.
  • Fill up your car’s fuel tank in advance (because petrol stations won’t be open mid-storm!).

See Queensland’s official evacuation routes

4. Stay Updated (No, Facebook Rumours Don’t Count!)

  • Follow official sources like the Bureau of Meteorology.
  • Tune in to local radio stations.
  • Sign up for emergency alerts.
  • Ignore Barry on Facebook saying it’s “just a bit of rain.”

Live weather updates on Cyclone Alfred

5. Avoid the Coast – No Cyclone Selfies!

We get it, giant waves look cool. But five-metre swells are no joke. Stay away from the beach, don’t go surfing, and for goodness’ sake, avoid driving through flooded streets!

6. After the Storm – Stay Cautious

Once Alfred moves on, the danger isn’t over just yet:

  • Watch out for flooding—water levels can rise even after the rain stops.
  • Be careful of fallen power lines—do NOT play limbo with them!
  • Check on neighbours and loved ones—make sure everyone is safe.
  • Avoid drinking tap water until authorities give the all-clear.

Final Thought: You’ve Got This!

Cyclone Alfred might be packing a punch, but with the right prep and a level head, you’ll get through it safely. Stay inside, stay informed, and keep those snacks close. See you on the other side, Queensland!

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