Netflix’s latest documentary, The Twister: Caught in the Storm, is not just another disaster film—it’s a chilling reminder of nature’s raw, unstoppable power. Packed with dramatic real-life accounts, this film will keep you at the edge of your seat, alternating between awe and anxiety.

The central event of the documentary is the devastating EF-5 tornado that struck Joplin, Missouri, on May 22, 2011. This tornado was one of the deadliest in American history, tragically claiming over 150 lives.

An apocalypse everyone missed

Interestingly, just a day before the tornado, many residents of Joplin were jokingly celebrating an “end-of-the-world” prophecy by televangelist Harold Camping. Little did they know, for their town, it nearly was.

Stories from the storm

Netflix’s The Twister: Caught in the Storm – A gripping tale of nature’s terrifying power

What makes The Twister truly compelling is how it narrates the terrifying ordeal through the eyes of Joplin’s youth—high school students attending their graduation, teens working their weekend jobs, and young storm chasers excitedly filming clouds until the storm literally chased them back. Their stories range from inspiring acts of bravery to almost unbelievable close-calls:

  • The high school football captain who returned after safely escaping to help rescue survivors.
  • The yogurt shop employee who miraculously survived his workplace collapsing around him.
  • Storm-chasing friends who sought shelter in a convenience store that was torn apart, yet managed to walk away.
  • A group of teens who were literally swept into the air by the tornado while inside their truck—and survived (only to battle a bizarre fungal infection afterward).
  • A 13-year-old meteorology enthusiast from California who chose the absolute worst (or best?) day to shadow a local weatherman.

The winds inside an EF-5 tornado can exceed speeds of 200 mph—strong enough to tear reinforced buildings off their foundations and hurl vehicles through the air like toys.

Real, raw, and respectful

Netflix’s The Twister: Caught in the Storm – A gripping tale of nature’s terrifying power

The film carefully avoids sensationalising tragedy. Instead, it prioritises genuine, emotional storytelling. The survivors candidly share their harrowing experiences, including audio from the tornado itself—a chilling recording of young people desperately clinging to each other while a vortex rages around them. This is raw, intense storytelling at its best.

A small miss

One downside: the documentary isn’t always transparent about its footage. Some clips are clearly authentic; others are stock or reenactments, leaving viewers occasionally questioning the exact origins of certain visuals. Clearer sourcing could have made the viewing experience even stronger.

The Joplin tornado’s damage path was nearly a mile wide and spanned approximately 22 miles, devastating a third of the city.

Powerful reflection

Netflix’s The Twister: Caught in the Storm – A gripping tale of nature’s terrifying power

The film subtly touches upon deeper cultural issues, such as discrimination and personal identity struggles within Joplin’s tight-knit community. One survivor’s poignant reflection on wondering if he’d been “left behind” during a supposed “Rapture” due to his sexual orientation adds heartbreaking depth.

Final Verdict

The Twister: Caught in the Storm is riveting, emotional, and deeply humbling. It vividly captures the terrifying unpredictability of nature, leaving you with a profound respect for the fragility of human life—and a renewed appreciation for every calm, ordinary day.

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