Comedian, television writer, and producer, this very successful and Emmy-nominated individual for his work on the 2004 “Wayne Brady Show,” Brad Wollack, took the time to answer all the enthusiastic-to-know questions as well as the inside spills of his career, life, and moments on the set of the late-night show on E! Entertainment “Chelsea Lately.” (With a pretty snazzy clip from one of their shows featuring Jennifer Aniston shown in the feature!)!
“Go for it and stick with it. You’ll be rejected more than you’re accepted and you will get down, but it really is a war of attrition. If you have a modicum of talent and desire, you can find your way. So many people do not make it in entertainment because they give up. They are talented but can’t handle the lows. Also, it’s a lot of luck. But, as the saying goes, the harder you work, the luckier you get.”
Quoted by Brad Wollack
Having graduated from the University of Southern California, Brad established his boulevard to success within the entertainment industry by including a numerous volume of projects. He is well known for his work on the popular E! comedy series, “Chelsea Lately,” which is one of the creative teams of producing and writing the scripts, having started in 2007 and being part of more than 1400 episodes.
Following his success, he has also made a name for himself for his work on the “Wayne Brady Show” in 2002 and the MTV Music Awards in 2010.
Having mentioned to Brad that his work and creativity are such an inspirational hit, what might be the best achievement to date? Brad kindly took the time to answer a few questions, which I would love to share with you all!
Brad’s reputation in the creative entertainment industry has grown significantly over the years, where he served as Head Writer and Supervising Producer for the “Fox Sports Net’s” comedy sports talk show pilot. “Regular Joes” as well as the Simon Cowell Fox collaboration of “Celebrity Duets.”.

Without me rambling on, I shall let Brad tell you everything himself! His life behind the scenes on set and success. You have been such a hit with your work and creativity; what might be the best achievement to date? First of all, thank you. I’m still surprised and honoured when people think I have any semblance of talent. The answer to this question is easy: meeting Chelsea Handler at just the right moment. (you’ve said this already—not a good idea to repeat it—I would remove it from above.)
Where do you get your main inspiration from (whether it’s writing, people you look up to or everyday routine)? Everyday routine. Keep my eyes and ears open… and really try to engage with myself about the questions I have in my head or pay attention to the things that bother me in life. I presume that if I am feeling a certain way, others may be able to relate and anything Ricky Gervais does, I am a fan of. He can do no wrong in my eyes!
Did you always want to be in the producer/writer and comedian industry? (Creative industry in the public eye)Yes, I wanted to be in entertainment, but I didn’t know what aspect specifically. Lots of trial and error—and hard work—got me to where I am now.
I couldn’t have planned for my exact role and position right now since it didn’t exist when I was coming up, but I prepared as best as I could for any opportunities and just tried to make the best of it. Oh, and lots of dumb luck!
Any funny facts that have ever happened on set or stage during shooting/performance? Been strangled and spat on after a stand-up set… not sure if that is funny in the ha-ha sense, but I probably looked pretty stupid with some other man’s hands around me. As for other fun things, they were pretty well detailed in our Chelsea Lately spin-off series. All of these storylines were based on true events.

Who might be a massive inspirational person you have worked for/been introduced to? Besides Chelsea? Not people you or the general public would know. I am most in awe and impressed by those in the entertainment industry who work behind the scenes and truly make things happen.
Celebrities aren’t as powerful as the ones who control the decision-making. Having Dave Grohl guest host a week of Chelsea Lately and sitting with him every morning for a week and just being around him was pretty incredible. Awesome guy.
Be sure to check out the latest on E! For upcoming shows as well as Brad’s road to more exciting projects! London and Dublin, you guys are in luck!
What massive projects have you got coming up in the near future? Can’t say anything, but keep checking the news… an announcement will eventually be made.